I’m passionate about healing.

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Hey, I’m Anna

I love music, dancing, deep conversations, energy healing, nature, family, fire, stories, moving my body, community, keeping it warm and snuggly, intensity, healing work, and personal growth.

Energy Healing has changed my life. I consider it an amazing tool for unwinding trauma from the body. It deals with the physical manifestions of unmet childhood needs, unprocessed traumatic experiences, and held energy from being a human making their way in the world. Energy healing has helped me in every aspect of my life; body, mind, and spirit, and I’m so honored to be able to offer it to others as support for their healing and growth journey.

My thoughts on dancing: I believe that dancing is a powerful way to know yourself. It allows us to feel into those areas where we hold tension and create a new internal conversation. It’s self expression. It’s healing. It’s something many of us feel self conscious about. It’s an edge. A growth area. It’s wild abandonment and much needed fun. It’s tender and vulnerable. It’s beauty in motion and an expression of joy. And anger. And grief. And all the multitudes of emotions that we store in our bodies.

I believe that dancing helps us heal. And it’s for everybody. Each and every person out there.


The SweetFire Story

I was a childhood ballerina and aisle dancer at the local supermarket while my mom shopped(!), and then I stopped when I had to choose between dance and sports. Before I was able to get back to dance in a serious way, I began suffering major digestive issues that have been a part of my life ever since.

When one of my BIG birthdays came around I knew that I had some reckoning to do with my internal dancer. I explored a multitude of dance styles and ideas trying to figure out what felt right. And then I found JourneyDance. Right away I knew in my body that it was for me, before I even understood exactly what it was! Like many of us do, I didn’t embrace it right away. I found a variety of reasons why I couldn’t do it, but it found me anyway……and thank goodness!

Becoming a JourneyDance instructor opened my body and spirit up to ever deepening layers of healing and growth. It was my rabbit hole! Embracing my dancer self allowed other hidden parts of me to come forward. I then began a study of energy healing, which was another lingering path I had yet to look at in earnest.

As a former classroom teacher, it has been delightful to bring the essence of teaching and deep engagement with me into this work. I love discovering all the ways that dancing, leading groups, 1-1 work, listening, and energy work all come together to create deep transformational healing.


Join the Journey


JourneyDance & Guided Dance

Join us at live JourneyDances throughout Vermont or schedule a personal online guided dance.

Energy Healing

Everyone has their own energy field. Working with that energy can be a powerful healing tool.

Get In Your Body

Get access to my growing list of activities meant to refresh, awaken, and connect the body and mind.