Experience Freedom

Let your body fly, as your eyes feast on the beauty of a summer day in Vermont. Feel into your power and depth, as you create joyful movement; raw, real, tender, ferocious, wild, transformational.

Why JourneyDance

JourneyDance is an amazing way to physically release held tension in the body. It was created by Toni Bergins and incorporates a wide array of healing techniques. JourneyDance follows a rhythmic arc, incorporating deep, slow body connection, funky expression, wild release, and heart opening; allowing the body and mind to experience a deep sense of peacefulness and settling. JourneyDance is a fun, relaxing, invigorating, freeing, and powerful way to create a new internal story, explore your body’s capacity to move and heal, and WORK IT OUT ON THE DANCE FLOOR!


 Upcoming Events


A magical journey to connect to yourself. Anna leads you to your soul’s deepest messages though dance, environment, and music.
— E.C.

Interested in hosting a JourneyDance at your venue?