What I learned in counseling today….


I’ve been to several different counselors in my life, and enjoyed them all. At each point in my life I received exactly what I needed for exactly as long as I needed in these sessions. Some were talk therapy, some were EMDR and tapping, some were body awareness centered, some were communication focused.

The counseling I’m engaging in right now is actually magical, in that it’s taking me to deeper areas of myself that I’ve been longing to get to. There’s hardly any words. We often don’t talk much at all. What I do is be, and notice. I am guided to feel into my body, notice the sensations, soften internally, create more space to allow that deep knowing to permeate throughout my cells and body tissue. What I learned today and each day in this counseling is that I know the answers to my questions.

My body is constantly giving me information. When I am able to quiet my brain, and settle down my nervous system, I can then listen to the information I’m getting. Having an intense reaction to a comment - that’s information. Feeling uncomfortable physical sensations - that’s information. Am I the world’s greatest meditator? Not in any way! But I am great at having feelings. And feelings are just body sensations, and you guessed it - that’s information!

It’s the deep noticing and allowing that creates the magic. I’m not trying to do anything. I’m just letting myself be right where I am and observing it with curiosity. Noticing without judgement allows more space to open up, and then my body/mind/spirit is able to drop down more deeply into a grounded state, and those are the moments that feel like true knowing of self.


Secret Ancestry?