
Guided Dance

Healing through movement, personalized.


Why Dance?

For most people dance is either totally your jam, or something you struggle with. Dance is often presented as something we do for others; something that needs to look “good”.

Dance is about feeling good; an expression of self that creates new space to feel into internal nooks and crannies and release stuck tension.

It’s also a great way to feel vibrant, move in new ways, create a different body relationship, release physical and emotional tension, yell, pulse, undulate and experience intense, unbridled JOY!


We all experience things differently. JourneyDance inspires you to:

Release held emotions
Create a new story
Feel alive, awake, and vibrant
Make space in your body
Access a new layer of self
Move more freely
Have serious FUN
Heal old wounds
Deepen self love and acceptance
Become JOY in motion

How it Works

We will schedule a one hour zoom meeting. Before our meeting, I will gather some thoughts from you, and create a personalized playlist for your dance experience.

Our time together will include space for: listening, easing into movement, release and transformation rituals, heart connection, and reflection.

Using my voice I will guide you through as you experience a deep connection with your body.

Get in touch.

Curious? Got Questions? Want to dip your toes in? I’m here.



In Person JourneyDance

