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The Why of It All

I am a forever learner. The process of personal growth is endlessly exciting to me and I’m intensely curious and interested in the world.  From the outside it can look like shifting from one thing to another, but in actuality, it’s a process of staying present with my passions and interests, and allowing my intuitions to guide me to information and experiences, with a little research thrown in!  

If you have 5 books on your nightstand and you are reading them all, we might have the same jam. In the words of a good old fashioned pin gifted to me in middle school…..”I love everybody and you’re next”. That’s how I feel about books and accessing new information. And yes, I do nerd out. I was that kid who was thrilled to receive an old fashioned hard cover spelling book to “play with” over the summer!

For such a long time I judged myself for not choosing a path and focusing wholly on it to achieve expert status.  I can’t.  There are just too many wonderful things in the world, and this is what us learners do.  We learn something new and incorporate it into the fabric weave that makes up our uniquely special way of inhabiting the world. I AM becoming an expert, on myself and my growing, healing process. And along the way I’m learning tons of cool things.

As somebody with a chronic illness, my interest for my whole adult life has been about the body.  First my body, and how to inhabit it with as little pain as possible.  And then how to move through feelings and stuck energy.  And then how to engage with others as they get in their bodies.

And that’s what I spend my time learning and thinking about.

How do I get in my body?
How do I move energy through?
How do I release stuck energy for deep healing?

For me it’s a combination of things:  dance, movement, meditation, breath work, awareness, nature, singing, ritual, energy work, internal listening, and deep connection with others.
And as the lover of a good old fashioned middle school slumber party, I want my friends, old and new, to join in, so check out my resource list. Maybe you’ll find a treasure that’s just right for you!


Resource List

*This is a work in progress that I’ll be adding to periodically.

Books I loved:

How to Be an Adult in Love - David Richo

My Grandmother’s Hands - Resmaa Menakem

Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall Kimmerer

Sacred Instructions - Sherri Mitchell

Radical Healership - Laura Mae Northrup

The Art of Communicating - Thich Nhat Hanh

Any book by Brene Brown

Dreaming the Soul back home - Robert Moss

All is Well - Louise Hay

Wild Feminine - Tami Lynn Kent

The book of Ceremony - Sandra Ingerman

The Hidden Messages in Water - Masuru Emoto

Maps to Ecstacy - Gabrielle Roth

The 5 Love Languages - Gary Chapman

Hands of Light - Barbara Brennan

The Tracker - Tom Brown Jr.

Tuning the Human Biofield - Eileen McKusick

Evolutionary Witchcraft - T. Thorn Coyle

Feeding Your Demons - Tsultrim Allione

The healing Power of Sound - Mitchell L. Gaynor

Many Lives, Many Masters - Brian Weiss

The Humming Effect - Jonathan Goldman

Simplicity Parenting - Kim John Payne

The Instruction - Ainslie Macleod

Big Love - Scott Stabile

Finding the Mother Tree -Suzanne Simard

Pellinor Book Series - Allison Croggin *magical fiction

When the Body Says No - Gabor Mate


Online Guided Dance